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Simple Wildfire Reduction Tips

Simple Wildfire Reduction Tips

Each year in California the first week of May is declared “Wildfire Awareness Week.” During this week California fire departments across the state remind residents of the dangers caused by wildfires and how simple steps, if followed can be used to prepare for fires...
The Hot New Fire Station Trends of 2018

The Hot New Fire Station Trends of 2018

Every year new technology and equipment in the firefighting industry are emerging. Having the knowledge and understanding the trends is important because they impact the fire service. In our society, we continually hear the words “innovation” and “improvement,” and...
April 2018 Customer Spotlight

April 2018 Customer Spotlight

Given the nature of the job, firefighters can be rough on recliners and sofas. If the right furniture isn’t purchased the life expectancy of recliners in the fire station environment won’t be long. Residential furniture isn’t tough enough and at times even...